Monday, May 13, 2013

WHY I decided to have a benefit for Maddox...

As soon as Maddox was born, I felt called to ACTION!  I know a HUGE part of this is the distance between us and how helpless I feel from here, but before I left for my FIRST trip to CT, my wheels were spinning, I intended to do SOMETHING like this.  My thoughts and in the future, we really don't know what Maddox's needs will be.  I, as Maddox's Aunt, do NOT ever want my baby to go without something because insurance doesn't cover it or whatever bullsh!t reason there may be that something he NEEDS cannot be provided.  I KNOW that his parents will do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure he has the BEST care, BEST therapies, BEST of EVERYTHING, NO ONE will let Maddox go without, but again, we do not know what the future holds as Maddox is just a baby.  Plus, there could be unexpected travel expenses for doctors, time off from work, etc...who knows.  As this little baby's aunt (maybe his over bearing aunt), I want to make sure, just as his parents and the rest of his family and anyone who loves him does, that he always receives the best care, the care he needs, the care he deserves, and ANY and EVERYthing he may ever need.  So, that is where this came from.

In addition to that, this blog and this work is a way to channel my heartache (due to missing him from distance) into positive action.  When I work FOR Maddox, I miss him all the same, but it is channeled differently and instead of crying, I am positive and excited about the things I'm trying to do.

A HUGE part of this and maybe this should be higher up, but I just ramble...if you haven't noticed, is that I'd like to educate people about Spina Bifida.  Most people weren't sure what it was when I told them what was happening.  I'd like to share info and raise awareness for Spina Bifida with anyone who will read or listen.  When I heard SPINA BIFIDA, there wasn't much out there besides the definitions of the three types, and I'll admit, I'd heard of it, but really didn't know anything about it.  I'm learning as we all go!  As a matter of fact, auto correct on my phone does NOT recognize Spina Bifida and as I type this, the spell check doesn't recognize it either.  That bothers me and to me only proves the lack of information and awareness that I VERY quickly discovered.

Mack also wanted to help Maddox and other babies once she knew and understood the full scope of could I NOT do that?!?  I said I did, too!  I hope to keep my fundraising efforts up and keep going and get bigger and bigger and help babies beyond Maddox. 

Last, but not least, a dream of mine has always been to one day start a charity or non profit, I could never narrow down my cause, and there are SO many out there...I always felt overwhelmed and never knew where or how to start.  Then, Maddox entered my life and gave me my reasons, push, and motivation, and may help me achieve my dream...I'd love for this to eventually be a charity in Maddox's more gift that little miracle of a baby has GIVEN me.  He has given me so much, I want to give back to him and hopefully one day give to others in honor of this AMAZING little guy who has pretty much changed my life.

That's my WHY!

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